The Mark Kempenich Traveling Trophy History
The Mark Kempenich Trophy was presented to the club by Mrs. Kempenich and is given each year in memory of Mark, who was best known for his extreme dedication and service to the club. Only those who knew Mark can appreciate the intensity of his devotion, his vigor and enthusiasm. The trophy is awarded by the previous recipients to the person deemed to have given the greatest measure of service to the club during the preceding year.
1973 - CM Haugen
1974 - Hilda Johnson
1975 - Dr James Coffey
1976 - Roselle Ronnin
1977 - Roy Frydenlund
1978 - F.W. Mohr
1979 - Stan Thompson
1980 - Julian Thompson
1981 - Arthur Olson
1982 - Erna Frydenlund
1983 - Kathryn Hollenhorst
1984 - Harold Klug
1985 - Waldron Littlefield
1986 - Mildred Thompson
1987 - Fay Littlefield
1988 - Loren Oslie
1989 - Gary Renier
1991 - Kevin Johnson
1992 - Susan Knapp
1993 - Loren Oslie
1994 - Bruce Danuser
1995 - Mary Lisburg
1996 - Dion Topham
1997 - Alfred C Houglum
1998 - Gery Fauske
1999 - Tom Lorentzsen
2000 - Joey Oslie
2001 - Tom Lorentzsen&Gary Renier
2002 - Dave Foerster
2003 - Bill Pallasch
2004 - Larry Heilman
2005 - Gerald Fauske
2006 - Jim & Joy Coffey
2007 - Cathy Louge
2008 - Becky Tracy
2009 - Doug Long
2010 - Bruce Bernstein
2011 - Lori Noriega
2012 - Dan Francis
2013 - Bruce Bernstein
2014 - Drago Nemec
2015 - Paul Hagen
2016 - Jonathan Atkins
2017 - Sharon Watson
2018 - Gordon Court
2019 - Julie Olson
2020 - Julie Olson
2021 - John Calvin
2022 - Todd Olson
2023 - Steve Rodvold
1974 - Hilda Johnson
1975 - Dr James Coffey
1976 - Roselle Ronnin
1977 - Roy Frydenlund
1978 - F.W. Mohr
1979 - Stan Thompson
1980 - Julian Thompson
1981 - Arthur Olson
1982 - Erna Frydenlund
1983 - Kathryn Hollenhorst
1984 - Harold Klug
1985 - Waldron Littlefield
1986 - Mildred Thompson
1987 - Fay Littlefield
1988 - Loren Oslie
1989 - Gary Renier
1991 - Kevin Johnson
1992 - Susan Knapp
1993 - Loren Oslie
1994 - Bruce Danuser
1995 - Mary Lisburg
1996 - Dion Topham
1997 - Alfred C Houglum
1998 - Gery Fauske
1999 - Tom Lorentzsen
2000 - Joey Oslie
2001 - Tom Lorentzsen&Gary Renier
2002 - Dave Foerster
2003 - Bill Pallasch
2004 - Larry Heilman
2005 - Gerald Fauske
2006 - Jim & Joy Coffey
2007 - Cathy Louge
2008 - Becky Tracy
2009 - Doug Long
2010 - Bruce Bernstein
2011 - Lori Noriega
2012 - Dan Francis
2013 - Bruce Bernstein
2014 - Drago Nemec
2015 - Paul Hagen
2016 - Jonathan Atkins
2017 - Sharon Watson
2018 - Gordon Court
2019 - Julie Olson
2020 - Julie Olson
2021 - John Calvin
2022 - Todd Olson
2023 - Steve Rodvold